1 ON 1
FULL Experience
"Do you remember who you were before the world told you who to be"
Are you lived by your life, career or business, day in and day out on autopilot.
You're just going through the motions, without perspective and running behind your agenda.
You feel stuck, maybe even burnt out, experiencing less joy and lightness than before.
Where is that energy, passion and drive from back then?
You have the feeling that all this translates into your enjoyment of life, your career / your business. As well as in your contact with your environment.
Your role as partner, friend, child of .... entrepreneur or passionate employee.
It is intense, right?
Where is there room to stop and think about yourself?
You know lover, this can happen if you're driven as F*!
You become a bit of a victim of your own success and the passion from which you once started everything.
The busy schedule and success reduces the time to check in with yourself. What is mine? What is not? What is my bigger plan on today? What are my values and standards that I stand for now? How do I translate this to outside/business?
And what is my concrete next step?
You get unexplained complaints, tense muscles and your energy & desire is very low.
You do not understand.
You try to explain this by getting inside your head. Trying to understand, trying to solve.
But we just keep going. At 200/h.
'Because you have to' and you have a 'hands on' mentality.
You already followed several therapeutic sessions, pathways and bodywork. But you just don't get it translated to your daily life & choices.
You can't put your finger on what exactly is lacking and where to start?
Or which next step to take?
There is good news.
Things can be different.
And here we can work together!
Ready for change?
This track is for the one who dares to go deeper & discover the authentic, spicy & raw layers of his/her body - mind & spirit energetic connection.
We create this space through the juicy Art of your own body, a holistic approach, (Jungian) psychology, somatic exercises, Human Design, creative methods, your open mind & your 'hands on' mentality.
Your body knows, a body shows!
Your body shows authentic info you need, separate from our talk, theories & mind.
By combining bodywork, therapy, reflection & coaching. Where Mind and body become one again that is yours.
We create an awareness of your own patterns, blockages, HDesign, shadows & fires.
So we can (re)build a more conscious version of yourself that translates into your daily routine, choices, connections, business, time & actions.
Back to your foundation. Making this steving, putting it back into your uplifting power of today.
And based on that, create a Way of life that is aligned again with your foundation.
On today.
It's all about how you show up for yourself.
You're ready to take responsibility for yourself?
bring it on, i am ready.
Bring back MY fire.
JUST THE TWO OF US – Full Experience
10 sessions, 3 to 6 months
€ 3 350, 00 EUR (excl.)